Where The Mind Rests

Where The Mind Rests
Where the mind rests from there he works with zeal and zest.
The mind becomes open and broad and the nature opens its secrets.
Amidst intense activities he forgets his agonies,grief,anxieties and tiredness.
He sees there his well wishers,relatives,family members and friends.
In the battle of life the mind constantly guides him to fight with courage and confidence.
He sees the beautiful faces and their smiles make him ecstatic and he feels rejuvenated and refreshed.
The places of rest show him the direction and loving the places he feels within the universal oneness.
The divine blesses him from there and he finds his inner self.
His mind is dominated by all joy and happiness and with love and smiles he advances.
He becomes able to know the true nature of his inner self and imbibing its attributes the tiredness of the journey he forgets.
Moving to the places and remaining there the essence of life he gets.
He becomes able to learn many things from the places and becomes much experienced.
All the beauties of the nature he enjoys and sees the fructification of the divine grace.
By the grace of the divine his thoughts,words and deeds become pure and perfect.
In a beautiful manner he transacts his business making smoother his mental processes.
By his behavior and sweetness the customers become satisfied.
He sees many rainbows in his mental sky and imbibing their colors he flies.
He flies in the entire sky aiming at the highest and thinking at the highest.
Beautifully his goals are set and he enjoys the fly serving well his organization,family and self.
Imbibing the beauties of the inner self he never becomes tired and dejected.
In a beautiful manner the entire day's battle comes to an end.
Amidst the beauties of the nature he returns enjoying the sunset.
The mind becomes one with the setting sun and from below the horizon he envisions a new dawn embracing him with zeal and zest.
The returning birds fill his mind with beautiful songs and he experiences smooth life processes.
In the silence of the night under the stars filled sky and the full moon beautifully he rests.
He visulaizes the places of the day where he had moved and derives their essence.
The places become calm and cool by the touch of the moon rays and he imbibes the manifested divine grace.
Imbibing all the beauties of the universe he gives his mind a beautiful shape.
Studying the places and their importance in his life he plans for the next day.
The places give him hopes to lead a life of freedom and choice.
From those he envisions in his life a turning point and deep within carefully preserves the places.
Moving to the places he experiences serenity and tranquility and becomes invigorated.
He views his life in the night's silence since chidhood till date.
The places have played a major role in his life and he offers his gratitude to the beautiful places.
Hopes emanate and take him to a land of peace and bliss and succumbing to the slumber of the night he forgets himself.
In his dream he enjoys the places and moves with courage and confidence experiencing the divine grace.
Waking up in the dawn in his mental institution he sees the Lord's palace.
With folded hands he offers his gratitude to the Lord and prepares himself for the battle of the day.
The mind rests on the morning sun and the beauties of the nature.
Slowly and steadily he joins the work place and discharges his duties with zeal and vigor.
He remembers his family,friends,relatives and well wishers.
Definitely he will be able to fulfill his hopes and dreams and he surrenders himself to the Lord.
As the mind rests on the Lord with astounding joy and happiness he moves on the path of life forgetting the states of stupor.
With love and smiles he transacts his business and experinces growth by the increase in the number of customers.
One day the mind will take eternal rest and he will forget all the places.
Before that with heart and soul he enjoys the places where the mind rests.
By that he gets astounding joy and happiness and works with zeal and zest.
Serving well his family,organization and society he experiences the universal oneness.
Where The Mind Rests Where The Mind Rests Reviewed by Ann on 23:03 Rating: 5

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