Timing - An Important Ingredient In A Relationship

Many of you vowed to find love this year. As you are on your journey to finding love, keep in mind that there are some things you can control and some things you can't. One of the things you can't control is Timing. Timing and circumstance play a major role in your love life. You may have found the right partner, but you found him/her at the wrong time. You know it is the right time when circumstances are aligned to allow you or your potential partner to be in a relationship.

One of the hardest things to do is be patient. When it comes to love and relationships, being patient is very important. Many people adopt the philosophy, "When a person shows you who they are, believe them", but sometimes people aren't showing you their true self. They are showing you their "right now" self, which is dictated by their current & past life circumstances. You may know someone like this or you may be that someone. You met a person. You two had a lot in common, you had chemistry, but something just wasn't connecting for the two of you. Over time you find out that the person had some bad relationships in the past & is fearful of being in another relationship or is taking a break from relationships. That doesn't mean the chemistry wasn't real or the connection wasn't real. It just means it is not the right time for the two of you. The last thing you want is to be held accountable for past relationship baggage. Another example - he or she may be focused on their career or starting a business and the time just isn't there to devote to a relationship. Does it mean in the future you two can't be in a relationship? No, it just means that right now the timing is not in your favor.

Keep in mind, it may not be the other person's timing and circumstances that are not aligned, it may be yours. Sometimes you are the one not "available" for a relationship. Being single doesn't mean you are available. You may be damaged and don't even know it. You may be too busy and don't even realize it. Yes, you are ready for a relationship, but are you available for one? Is the timing right for you? Are the circumstances right for you?

Timing - An Important Ingredient In A Relationship Timing - An Important Ingredient In A Relationship Reviewed by Ann on 23:30 Rating: 5

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