Focus First On Value And Success Will Follow

How many times have you, or someone you known, insisted they their goal was to become truly successful, while often never really describing what success meant to them? Success is not something to be focused upon, but rather will come as a result of our attitudes, actions, how meaningful our visions and goals might be, our personal values, and especially, whether we prioritize providing value to others on a consistent basis. When we focus solely on our personal benefit, as well as the what's in it for me prioritization, we may observe short term or even intermediate term basis, but will almost never become truly successful. Success, in the longer term, is almost invariably based on the value that we provide to others as a result of our attitudes, efforts, and actions taken.

1. Step number one must always be to do the right thing! Unfortunately, however, far too few individuals permit themselves to objectively view their personal attitudes, and without knowing and understanding oneself, it is nearly impossible to become value - oriented. By providing value, you are able to motivate others to care more, do more, and become far more loyal and involved!

2. The next component of achieving true success is refocusing one's mindset from focusing on how much money or credit you'll receive on a particular deal or action, but rather seeking to provide real value. Doing this will indicate to others how much you care, as well as the fact that you are a quality individual of absolute integrity. The side effect of doing so is invariably that this value will make it far easier to develop referrals, repeat customers, loyal clients, motivated followers, etc. Providing value helps to create a stronger bond which attracts quality individuals to care more about what you say and do!

3. What value do you add, and how? Do you ever actually think about that, and if so, do you so as a primary action, or merely tangentially? What do you mean by this term? What steps do you take on a regular basis? Do you possess an attitude of constructively moving forward, or are you often doubtful? Do you see challenges, or is everything a problem to you? What actually motivates you, and why?

While most people might claim that they hope to either be a success or have success, few ever take the time and effort to consider what that means to them. Unless success becomes a byproduct of your actions and efforts, and unless value and values are your primary motivations, any success realized will be more fleeting than enduring.
Focus First On Value And Success Will Follow Focus First On Value And Success Will Follow Reviewed by Ann on 17:52 Rating: 5

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