Avocado Masks For A Beautiful Skin: Special Tips and Face Mask Recipe

Looks like you've been let into the secret: avocado is great for your skin. It's hydrating, nourishing and its precious oils are indeed very close to the natural oil of our skin, so it can be very easily used by our skin.
In this article I want to share a few avocado face mask recipes for different skin types, and also give you a few tips for buying a hydrating mask with avocado, if the homemade masks are not efficient enough for you.

Even though hydrating masks benefit all skin types, especially dry skin types are very much in need of extra moisture that a mask with avocado can give. If you have dry skin, try this super-easy recipe:

Avocado Mask for Dry Skin
1/2 an avocado
1 tsp honey
Mix the two ingredients in a bowl, apply on skin and leave on for 10-15 minutes. If the paste is too thick, you can add a tbsp of yogurt into the mix.
For people with oily skin you can combine the avocado with ingredients that cleanse or referesh your skin at the same time; this is one of my favourites:

Avocado Mask for Oily Skin
1/2 an avocado
1 tbsp of ground coffee
Mix the two ingredients in a bowl, apply on skin and leave on for up to 30 minutes. The coffee has anti-aging properties and is very acidic, so it's refreshing on oily skin.
If you have normal skin, you can try both of these masks. Try adding more yogurt and less avocado to the dry skin mask, for example.

But perhaps these simple homemade face masks are not helping you enough and you are looking for a hydrating mask with avocado on the marketplace. Let's face it: you want to get a 100% natural face mask there, too, but of course in well-made commercial masks the ingredients have been combined in a way and density you cannot reach at home.

A perfect combination in both homemade and bought masks is avocado and honey. it contains unique enzymes with scientifically-proven healing properties for the skin. Combined with Vitamin E and perhaps some natural anti-aging substances you can be pretty sure the mask is a winner, as it will moisturize your skin deeply and effectively.
Avocado Masks For A Beautiful Skin: Special Tips and Face Mask Recipe Avocado Masks For A Beautiful Skin: Special Tips and Face Mask Recipe Reviewed by Ann on 14:11 Rating: 5

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