Overcoming Everyday Addictions

Mention addictions and immediately sex, drugs and gambling come to mind. These are truly damaging addictions which can destroy lives in a short period of time. There are many lesser addictions which shape human development, health, and happiness that fly under the radar for the most part because they are accepted as normal in Western societies.

These 'habits' take years if not decades to take their toll on the human body and mind. It is usually not until a crisis of some nature, usually a debilitating or chronic sickness, that habits come under scrutiny as possible contributing factors in the acquiring of disease.

Habits for the most part are addictions in disguise because they are not illegal or severely frowned on. Habits are low-level addictions dressed up as acceptable social behaviors, and unfortunately most people will not consider something like their daily coffee habit as anything worse than a tasty way to wake up and stay awake at work, nor will they consider their bottle of wine drunk every night with dinner anything but a healthy habit because wine has been proven to have health benefits when consumed in moderation with meals.

Let's stop masquerading habits which are destructive to our health and wellbeing as anything but addictions. They are low-level addictions in some cases, but the harder it is to give up a habit, the more likely the habit is truly an addiction. Let's be painfully honest and look at addictions we all struggle with and see how we can shake free of their grip.

Overcoming Everyday Addictions Overcoming Everyday Addictions Reviewed by Ann on 08:25 Rating: 5

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