There Is No "I" in Team - How To Create A Strong Team

Have you ever heard the statement that there is "no I in team". Usually you hear that from a football coach, or from a manager who is trying to motivate his employees to work harder. Today I will be doing something totally unconventional, I am talking about the "I" in teamwork. This is different from any speech you have heard on this topic before so I want you to listen closely because you just might learn something good. Whether your team is a sports team, a group of people at work, or the most important team your family, there is something you can learn from this.

"I" must always be prepared for the challenges at hand. Being prepared is a key to being an effective team member. If you don't have your stuff together then you aren't going to be able to pull your own weight. A good team member is prepared no matter what difficulties arise. What can you do today to make sure that you are prepared for dealing with adversity in your team?

"I" must remember that my attitude determines my altitude, so no matter how bad it gets I must stay positive. The weakest link is the sum total of a team's strength. Do not be that link. There is no good that can come out of having a bad attitude about things. Go through your day realizing that no matter how bad it is at least you woke up. There are millions of people in cemeteries who can't say that. When it comes to team work your attitude is really everything. It is contagious too, so make sure the attitude you are spreading is a positive one. Sometimes when things are getting you down a positive affirmation will help, stand in front of a mirror and say "No matter how hard this seems, I can do it, I will do it, the time is now!"

"I" have the job of looking out for the other team members. We only have eyes on one side of our heads. The reason is because we are societal creatures who need others to look out for us. Trust, honor, and respect are built when you truly look out for other people. A strong team whether it is a football team or a marriage has members that look out for the other person. In the professional world there is a term called a fiduciary. That simply means that a professional person should look out for the needs and concerns of their client above their own. In the world of teamwork you should be the other team members fiduciary.

Teamwork has lots of "I"'s in it as you can see. Many responsibilities will be the type that end up being direct things that individuals must take care of. I have just gotten started really there are many more than we could go into.
There Is No "I" in Team - How To Create A Strong Team There Is No "I" in Team - How To Create A Strong Team Reviewed by Ann on 11:38 Rating: 5

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